Source code for helpers.color

# Color Helpers
# (c) 2016-2017 Simon Leiner
# licensed under the GNU Public License, version 2
# This module provides helper functions and classes for the lightshows:
#     - grayscale_correction(lightness, max_in, max_out)
#     - linear_dim(undimmed, factor)
#     - is_rgb_color_tuple(to_check)
#     - add_tuples(tuple1, tuple2)
#     - blend_whole_strip_to_color(strip, color, fadetime_sec)
#     - wheel(wheel_pos)
#     - SmoothBlend

import types
import logging
import time

from drivers import LEDStrip
from helpers import verify, exceptions

[docs]def grayscale_correction(lightness: float, max_in: float = 255.0, max_out: int = 255): """\ Corrects the non-linear human perception of the led brightness according to the CIE 1931 standard. This is commonly mistaken for gamma correction. [#gamma-vs-lightness]_ .. admonition:: CIE 1931 Lightness correction [#cie1931-source]_ The human perception of brightness is not linear to the duty cycle of an LED. The relation between the (perceived) lightness :math:`Y` and the (technical) lightness :math:`L^*` was described by the CIE: .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{align} Y & = Y_{max} \cdot g( ( L^* + 16) / 116 ) \\quad ,& \\quad 0 \\le L^* \\le 100 \\\\ \\text{with} \\quad g(t) & = \\begin{cases} 3 \cdot \\delta^2 \cdot ( t - \\frac{4}{29}) & t \\le \\delta \\\\ t^3 & t > \\delta \\end{cases} \\quad ,& \\quad \\delta = \\frac{6}{29} \\end{align} For more efficient computation, these two formulas can be simplified to: .. math:: Y = \\begin{cases} L^* / 902.33 & L^* \le 8 \\\\ ((L^* + 16) / 116)^3 & L^* > 8 \\end{cases} \\\\ \\\\ 0 \\le Y \\le 1 \\qquad 0 \\le L^* \\le 100 .. [#gamma-vs-lightness] For more information, read here: .. [#cie1931-source] formula from `Wikipedia <>`_ :param lightness: linear brightness value between 0 and max_in :param max_in: maximum value for lightness :param max_out: maximum output integer value (255 for 8-bit LED drivers) :return: the correct PWM duty cycle for humans to see the desired lightness as integer """ # safeguard and shortcut if lightness <= 0: return 0 elif lightness >= max_in: return max_out # apply the formula from aboce l_star = lightness / max_in * 100 # map from 0..max_in to 0..100 if l_star <= 8: duty_cycle = l_star / 902.33 else: duty_cycle = ((l_star + 16) / 116) ** 3 return round(duty_cycle * max_out) # this will be an integer!
[docs]def wheel(wheel_pos: float): """\ Get a color from a color wheel: Green -> Red -> Blue -> Green :param wheel_pos: numeric from 0 to 254 :return: RGB color tuple """ if wheel_pos > 254: wheel_pos = 254 # Safeguard if wheel_pos < 85: # Green -> Red color = (wheel_pos * 3, 255 - wheel_pos * 3, 0) elif wheel_pos < 170: # Red -> Blue wheel_pos -= 85 color = (255 - wheel_pos * 3, 0, wheel_pos * 3) else: # Blue -> Green wheel_pos -= 170 color = (0, wheel_pos * 3, 255 - wheel_pos * 3) return color
[docs]def linear_dim(undimmed: tuple, factor: float) -> tuple: """\ Multiply all components of undimmed with factor :param undimmed: the vector :param factor: the factor to multiply the components of the vector byy :return: resulting RGB color vector """ dimmed = () for i in undimmed: i *= factor dimmed += i, # merge tuples return dimmed
[docs]def add_tuples(tuple1: tuple, tuple2: tuple): """\ Add two tuples component-wise :param tuple1: summand :param tuple2: summand :return: sum """ if len(tuple1) is not len(tuple2): return None # this type of addition is not defined for tuples with different lengths # calculate sum sum_of_two = [] for i in range(len(tuple1)): sum_of_two.append(tuple1[i] + tuple2[i]) return tuple(sum_of_two)
[docs]class SmoothBlend: """\ This class lets the user define a specific state of the strip (:py:attr:`target_colors`) and then smoothly blends the current state over to the set state. """ logger = logging.getLogger('102shows.server.helpers.color.SmoothBlend') def __init__(self, strip: LEDStrip): self.strip = strip self.target_colors = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] * self.strip.num_leds #: an array of float tuples
[docs] def set_pixel(self, led_num: int, red: float, green: float, blue: float): """ set the desired state of a given pixel after the blending is finished """ # check if the given color values are valid try: verify.rgb_color_tuple((red, green, blue)) except exceptions.InvalidParameters as error_message: self.logger.error(error_message) # store in buffer self.target_colors[led_num] = (red, green, blue)
[docs] def set_color_for_whole_strip(self, red: float, green: float, blue: float): """ set the same color for all LEDs in the strip """ for led_num in range(self.strip.num_leds): self.set_pixel(led_num, red, green, blue)
[docs] class BlendFunctions: """\ .. todo:: Include blend pictures directly in documentation An internal class which provides functions to blend between two colors by a parameter fade_progress for ``fade_progress == 0`` the function should return the start_color for ``fade_progress == 1`` the function should return the end_color """ def __init__(self): pass @classmethod
[docs] def linear_blend(cls, start_color: tuple, end_color: tuple, fade_progress: float) -> tuple: """ linear blend => see """ return cls.power_blend(1, start_color, end_color, fade_progress)
[docs] def parabolic_blend(cls, start_color: tuple, end_color: tuple, fade_progress: float) -> tuple: """ quadratic blend => see """ return cls.power_blend(2, start_color, end_color, fade_progress)
[docs] def cubic_blend(cls, start_color: tuple, end_color: tuple, fade_progress: float) -> tuple: """ cubic blend => see """ return cls.power_blend(3, start_color, end_color, fade_progress)
[docs] def power_blend(cls, power: float, start_color: tuple, end_color: tuple, fade_progress: float) -> tuple: """ blend two colors using a power function, the exponent is set via param power """ start_component = linear_dim(start_color, fade_progress ** power) target_component = linear_dim(end_color, (1 - fade_progress) ** power) return add_tuples(start_component, target_component)
[docs] def blend(self, time_sec: float = 2, blend_function: types.FunctionType = BlendFunctions.linear_blend): """ blend the current LED state to the desired state """ # buffer current status initial_colors = [] for led_num in range(self.strip.num_leds): initial_colors.append(self.strip.get_pixel(led_num)) # do the actual fadeout now = time.perf_counter() end_time = time.perf_counter() + time_sec while now < end_time: fade_progress = (end_time - now) / time_sec for led_num in range(self.strip.num_leds): color = blend_function(initial_colors[led_num], self.target_colors[led_num], fade_progress) self.strip.set_pixel(led_num, *color) now = time.perf_counter() # set to final target state for led_num in range(self.strip.num_leds): self.strip.set_pixel(led_num, *(self.target_colors[led_num]))
[docs]def blend_whole_strip_to_color(strip: LEDStrip, color: tuple, fadetime_sec: float = 2) -> None: """ this name is pretty self-explanatory ;-) :param strip: LEDStrip object :param color: the color to blend two :param fadetime_sec: the time in seconds to blend in """ transition = SmoothBlend(strip) transition.set_color_for_whole_strip(*color) transition.blend(time_sec=fadetime_sec)